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Saturday, February 16, 2019

February Focus

Didn't get a chance to enjoy a Romantic Getaway with your sweetheart so far?  No problem, our Sweetheart Specials continue throughout February and then look for "March Madness" specials next month.

It's been somewhat quiet this month so far.  But that is a great time to catch up on my reading.  I listen to lots of books on tape since I spend a great deal of time in my car and the last two books I read were "Running in the Rain" and "A Dog's Purpose".  I'm surprised I didn't crash the car as I had tears pouring down my face listening to both of them.  I'm an animal lover so anything in which an animal dies or there is something sad...I cry.  But they are both excellent books told from the dog's point of view.

I've always had dogs and horses and cats in my previous life, but now I have cats.  I treat my cats as though they were dogs so that I call them by name, I pat them like you would pat a dog, rub their fur like you would a  dog and they respond like dogs,

Since I've been in Tennessee I've had 3 sets of cats and I arrived with two dogs.  Unfortunately the dogs were elderly when I arrived and they died a few years after we moved here from Connecticut. The cats lived a good long time and when they passed away my neighbor's cat had kittens so.....after giving it some thought I took two.  Then a third showed up on the driveway and moved in.  These were Frankie (blue eyes like Frank Sinatra), Fearless (because she was) and then Gray Cat moved in.  These were inside/outside cats who came in at night.  But even though they stayed around the Inn most of the time, something from the forest got them.  I'm sure it was either a coyote or a bobcat.

I debated getting more animals, but I missed the companionship so when I heard mewing from the garbage truck at the dump, I got the men working there to go into the garbage and bring Squeak out.  Pure white and ribs which stuck through the skin.  I don't know how she was still alive.  Took her the vet, got some food and brought her home.  What a wonderful friend she turned out to be!  Pure white and although she never learned to purr she was my boon companion.  We played tag, hide and seek and she loved to snuggle under the covers at night.

But I was concerned she might be lonely so I went to the animal rescue and found a black and white kitten to keep her company.  Mouse was very standoffish....didn't want anything to do with anyone even though she was just a kitten.  Can't imagine what trauma she had had in her young life.

And a year or so later up the driveway came another cat making lots of noise.  Fat, black and very friendly.  Although I asked all over the neighborhood no one claimed her so once again I had 3 cats because Noisy joined the family.  But these 3 cats are inside and out on the screened in porch only.

All 3 cats live on the Garden Level in my quarters so that guests at the bnb who are allergic don't have to interact with them.
#lovemycats #interesting #romaticgetaway #bedand breakfast #dogs #sadbooks #kitten