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Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Musings

Ont his special day when we remember those who served (my grandfathers, father, husband) our country I hope everyone is driving carefully. Keep a bubble of safety around you and take your time!

The gardens are in full bloom.  The two koi who have so far survived the bears and raccoons are getting bigger! They both need names so when you come to the Iron Mountain Inn, check them out (we'll provide some food) and let us know what we should call them.

Noisy is lying on my desk with one foot hanging over the keyboard disrupting my typing!  She always wants to be where I am...especially since Mouse picks on her so badly.  No wonder I have trouble getting work done!

Time to head to Food City for supplies.  I hope they might have some of the great Scott's strawberries when I get there....ummm!

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