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Saturday, February 1, 2020

Fog and Rain Means Cooking

Potatoes boiling to make German potato salad
Bought some beets at the Farmer's Market this am to make beet soup
Also stopped at Dollar General to buy "fake" Girl Scout cookies - they come out with the same type during Girl Scout cookie sale time.  Luckily they don't have them all year.

So here is a recipe (not the famous Iron Mountain Inn chocolate chip cookie recipe, however) that I often make on foggy days - or getting ready for a Super Bowl Party!

1 lb sharp chedder cheese grated
2 jars jalapeno peppers without seeds
1 medium onion chopped fine
1 large can whole tomatoes mashed up

In about 2 tbls olive oil saute the onions and peppers
Add the mashed up tomatoes (can do it in a blender or with a fork)
Simmer until it makes a thick paste (about 20 minutes or more) Stir
Add the cheese
Serve in a chafing dish with Dorito's of course
Be sure to keep it warm
This recipe also freezes well

You probably should double the recipe as it goes very fast!
Wish I could post a picture, but I haven't made it yet

Between the early morning finals of the Australian Open Men's Tennis Finals and the Super Bowl later in the day, I think there will be a lot of shouting and screaming around the world tomorrow.  Glad I'm not in Miami or Melbourne!

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